Thursday, January 14, 2010

Evan the Engineer

I have an old desktop computer that has barely been running over the last several years. It was kept all these years because it stored all our digital photos and video plus I hoped to repurpose it for a basic computer for the kids to use.

Our great packing adventure has provided me with the perfect excuse to take the next step in wiping the hard drive clean and reinstalling windows. But it wasn't meant to be. After shredding the disk it just couldn't recover. I might have been able to get it back in working order, but it really wouldn't have been worth the effort. I am trying not to be a hoarder.

I was going to take out a couple of parts that I thought might be useful and Evan said he wanted to help. He got really excited about unscrewing and disassembling EVERY part. It was great. I just showed him what to do and he undid every piece by himself.

He was really into how it all came together. It was great to see his mind and personality come alive as he pulled each part out. We talked about which part what which, but he was mostly interested in the deconstruction.

He has a really analytical mind (he also loves puzzles), perhaps he has a future in engineering?

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