Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Showdown Countdown

... ok, i'm not actually tracking the minutes until the vice presidential debate, but I'm really eager to watch the veep candidates challenge each other, share their ideas, and critique one another.

Katie Couric's interviews have left Palin with a lot of ground to make up. I think if she bombs it tomorrow night the race is over for McCain. The race is too tight right now and she could be the deciding factor for alot of folks.

1 comment:

Kyle Luke said...

Seriously, I'm a little concerned that we'll have another Miss South Carolina incident. But I'm just as worried about Biden . . . he's a loose canon and no one can really tell what will shoot out of his mouth at any given moment. Maybe someone from the Obama campaign will slip him a mild sedative before he goes on air.

In any case, I have a feeling that the debate will fit in well with normal prime time entertainment.