Friday, October 10, 2008

Space Mutiny!

I'm currently watching one of my favorite episodes of MST3K, "Space Mutiny".

For those of you who aren't "Misties", Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a 90's t.v. show that mocked [or riffed] really bad movies. I started watching MST3K around college and I fell in love with it. The show hasn't been on in nearly a decade, but a very loyal fanbase still circulates tapes of all the old episodes (some of them are available on dvd in stores also). Thankfully, i still have a couple dozen shows on tape and I drag them out from time to time.

Space Mutiny remains one of my favorite episodes. The movie is as bad as they get. No continuity, huge plot holes, sets and costumes that are laughable on every level. If you've never seen a episode of MST3K, check it out.


Anonymous said...

Amen and amen.
Let me rank my favorite MST3k's for you and my own catharsis:
1. Mitchell (Joel's last)
2. Catalina Caper
3. Space Mutiny (favorite line: "does that mean you won't marry me?" as well as "Big McLargeHuge")
4. This Island Earth (the movie)
5. Red Zone Cuba

alex said...

other fav's that haven't been mentioned:

-Agent from H.A.R.M.
-Jack Frost