Thursday, September 04, 2008


I'm about to watch John McCain's speech at the RNC.

Is it just me or did his intro video totally suck!? "mama's boy"?? the music was horrible and it seemed totally free of emotion. i thought those types of things were supposed to get you pumped up, not depressed.


Angela said...

unfortunately I had to work during the speech-so so sad.

Anonymous said...

agreed... and not to say too much - but I felt the whole convention unfortunately was rather sarcastic and mean spirited. sad...

Anonymous said...

I loved Palin's speech -- as someone who is being clobbered for relative inexperience -- she was the perfect person to ask the big question about Senator Obama's lack of experience. Although the man knows how to give a pretty compelling speech too.

Anonymous said...

As for McCain he'll never be president based on his speaking ability -- his opponent has that category locked up. However the story of his life and the testing of his character is pretty compelling too.

Jim said...

McCain is the better man for this job and if you ever look at the people that Obama has been friends with you truly couldn't vote for him. He can say all he wants but people that you hang with tell a big story about who you are. Look at McCain firends during the convention they are life long and people he did serious life with. Obama has friends that bombed the Penagon or wrote hate about America. Remember the community organizier for Toledo was the Rev Rose and ever since he left Toledo our race problems haven't been the main issue of the city. I have no respect for Obama except for the fact that he has fooled a number of people with good speeches into thinking he will work for them. Tell me one thing that the governemnt runs well and then I will vote for government run health care. The banking system is just about ready to colaspe and now we want the governemnt to run health care, Give me a break. Name just one social program that doesn't have waste in it that the governemnt runs better than private sector?

alex said...

i just have a hard time buying in to mccain right now since his economic policies are so similar to bush's. I don't want higher taxes to re-distribute wealth, but there are more and more hurting people out there who are getting left behind (and not in a jerry b. jenkins and time lahaye kind-of way)

Kyle Luke said...

I'm not a huge fan of McCain, but I disagree with you on the video. While the mama's boy thing was really dumb (for lack of any other descriptive term), his service to our country was something about which I didn't know a whole lot before and it was inspiring (to me). And I was actually impressed by his speech . . . though I suspect it was because my expectations were rather low. I appreciated that it wasn't as smug or sarcastic as Palin's (though who am I to criticize smugness and sarcasm).

My fear is that this election will become getting rid of "another Bush" instead of deciding which of the two candidates is actually best.

God help us.