Sunday, September 28, 2008

amazing race 13

the newest season of Amazing Race began tonight.

It was a pretty good episode. Good tension and good tasks. The first few episodes are always hard because you don't really know the teams and they have to share a lot of screen times. Becky and I enjoy debating strategy about how we would handle each obstacle along the way (somehow we manage to come in first every time:).

What's your vote on which team is most annoying...

The Frat Boys- Andrew and Dan

I'm not sure which is which, but they seem to get overexcited about everything and the one with glasses thinks he's an expert in everything.

... or...

Team Newly Dating- Terence and Sarah

All i can say is they are both crazy. not "fun" crazy, but emotional and psychological problems crazy. Reality TV gold.


ng2000 said...
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Anonymous said...

Totally Terence and Sarah...they're NUTS and so funny to watch.