I just finished watching the premiere episode of the new season of
Heroes. Before I share my thoughts, I should preface my review with the fact that i didn't get to watch every moment. I missed several scenes due to kids being put to bed, dirty dishes that required cleaning, and a crying son.
I didn't really like this episode. I think that my overall problem with this episode is my same gripe with the series as a whole: the creators and writers of the show seem to be willing to do anything in an effort to connect with and please the fans of the show. They don't have a vision and over-arching concept to which they are trying to stay true. Pacing is uneven, stories are overly complicated, and characters act in ways that are inconsistent.
Take Suresh for example, the first season he just wanted to complete his fathers research. He was vulnerable and confused, yet driven to solve the puzzle and mystery. Then the second season he was obsessed with Sylar, and acted incompetent one moment and aggressive the next. Now he doesn't care about any of the heroes that he has come across and is only concerned with becoming powerful. He changes from one episode to the next.
And I'm supposed to believe that Peter Petrelli travelled back from the future to stop his brother that he looks up to, loves, and has brought back to life and the method he chooses to stop him is to kill him by shooting him in the chest?
I'll probably watch the next couple episodes to see if things start to make sense, but i may be done with
Heroes sometime soon.