Sunday, January 25, 2009

Times a Changin'

Our lovely Ashlyn is reaching a new milestone as we speak... her first tooth! I'm excited to see her grow and watch her relationships with her brothers strengthen (not to mention Becky and I), but I'm sad about the tooth at the same time.

A tooth changes the way a baby looks. I know Ashlyn will look adorable with her new teeth, but there's just something special about a child's toothless, goofy grin that I find irresistible. Some of my favourite pictures of our boys are before they got any teeth.

And she's not just getting one, there are 2 more waiting to break the surface right behind it. My girl... all grown up:


Sienna said...

yeah... almost a year old. They grow up so darn fast. ;)

Angela said...

i love her. i need to see her so she knows how much i love her!

Anonymous said...

We actually think #4 is coming up too! Yikes! She is still as cute and sweet as always though.
p.s. my word was "coricult" what kind of crazy voodoo web page is this?

Anonymous said...

Alex - She's so adorable!
Love - Mom