A tooth changes the way a baby looks. I know Ashlyn will look adorable with her new teeth, but there's just something special about a child's toothless, goofy grin that I find irresistible. Some of my favourite pictures of our boys are before they got any teeth.
And she's not just getting one, there are 2 more waiting to break the surface right behind it. My girl... all grown up:
yeah... almost a year old. They grow up so darn fast. ;)
i love her. i need to see her so she knows how much i love her!
We actually think #4 is coming up too! Yikes! She is still as cute and sweet as always though.
p.s. my word was "coricult" what kind of crazy voodoo web page is this?
Alex - She's so adorable!
Love - Mom
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