Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Missing Out

Tonight in the season 5 premiere of LOST. It's actually on right now, but i'm not watching it. I have music practice on Wednesday nights at 8:15 and i don't usually get home until after 9:30, so we are taping it upstairs. Yes, I actually mean taping with a vcr.

*For the kids out there... a vcr is like a dvr except you have to put a giant brick sized tape into the box and you can't watch it until the show is totally over. And you can't pause or rewind live tv. and most americans can't make the clock work.

The point of this blog post is DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT LOST. I enjoy surprises and hate having them spoiled. I never try to find Christmas presents early, i never read ahead in a book. I plan on devoiding myself of as much media as possible until I'm able to watch the episode just so I don't accidentally some across anything. I'll post my review of the episode when i've seen it so you can know when it's safe (probably no until friday).


Kyle Luke said...

Wait, WHAT?! I thought it was just a re-cap. Hmmm ... I think I might have deleted it from the tivo.. I might need to borrow that video tape.

And FYI, the word verification for this comment is "whinpol" . . . which I would define as a term you might use to describe someone who won't stop whining.

alex said...

the 8pm episode was a recap, the next 2 hours was the premiere.

... and are you calling me a whiner?