Monday, September 07, 2009

Where did the last 5 years go?

I know I need to be more consistent with reviewing/revisiting/reliving my Taiwan trip, but there is something HUGE happening in our lives right now. Evan is going to Kindergarten tomorrow!

Our tiny baby boy is going to school.

It really hit me hard last night and I started freaking out. I felt like I had done nothing in the past five years to prepare him for this day. All of the sudden I was cramming data into his tiny ears: this is how you make friends; this is how you treat your teacher; don't take a ride from someone you don't know; don't talk with strangers, but it's ok to talk with the kids you don't know in your class; etc. I had to stop myself cause I didn't want to freak him out, or maybe because I didn't want to freak myself out anymore.

I'm so proud of who Evan is. I think he's probably better prepared for this experience than we know, but you can't help but panic when you think about the radical changes that are headed his way.

Several months ago I blogged about the options that we had been debating regarding half day vs. full day K. We decided that Evan will attend the local public school (Snow elementary) for half days for the first few months and then evaluate a transition to full day after that. I think it's a good option for us and for him, but it's definitely one of those landmark sad/exciting days that are unfolding in our lives. Good Luck Evan, we'll be praying for you.


Anonymous said...

Alex - We will be praying too. Love, Mom

Becky Teal said...

He's a great boy! All three of our kids are great! We must be doing something right!? :) I love you!

Quillen said...

School is over-rated. I'm sure Evan could learn everything he needs to know on the streets.

Maya will never go to school, never grow-up and one thing is for certain...she will never date. Well, maybe when she's 30 something. Then I might let her go to school. :)

alex said...


are you the next duggar family?

Quillen said...

We let Maya play outside.
After dark.