Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids these Days

Evan completed his first week of school today. And he's doing great!

Obligatory 'leaving the house/first day of school' photo

He seemed to do good emotionally for the first couple of days, but on Thursday night of last week he became very sad and didn't want to go to school the next day. I asked him why and after a bit of working him he told me "I don't have any friends". My heart broke for him. I did my best to encourage him that he's a great kid and everyone is new, that he just needed to ask some kids to play; but what I really wanted to do was hold him in my lap and tell him that he never had to go to school again...ever:)

When I picked him up on Friday he had a big smile on his face. I asked why and he said "I made a friend!" I was soo happy to hear him say that. Then I asked what his name was and he had no clue, haha:) Becky thought it was a bit strange, but I told her that's just what to expect with a young boy. He probably won't know any other kids name that he plays with, and even if he might learn it by chance, that's all he'll know.

He was glad to have the weekend off and has seemed to like school the last couple of days as well. With a little encouragement he even found out the names of some of the kids he plays with (Joseph, Peyton, and Liam). We're also excited that a girl who goes to our church (Ella) is in the same class with him also. She's a fun, outgoing girl and I know that helps him through the day.

The strangest thing about him going to Kindergarten is that I have almost no idea what he does for 3 hours during the morning. I've always known what he's up to and now I can barely find out what he does. All I know is that between 8:45 and 11:45 he has recess, practices counting, and eats lunch. I have a lot more sympathy for my parents trying to talk with me about what happened during school hours. Sorry mom:)

I do think it's pretty amazing that Evan says they are learning to count to 30. Thirty! Kindergarten ain't ABC's and counting to 10 no more.

He also came back sick after the second day. It's like a germ factory in there. But he seems to be getting over it pretty well.


Becky Teal said...

He's a good boy! You're a great dad! This is such an adjustment for us...I think I have a love/hate relationship with it so far! :)

Anonymous said...

I love my son. I love his son.
And that's just the beginning! - Mom