Wednesday, February 18, 2009

nice try

Remember a couple of days ago when I revealed that I am a "Super-Taster"? [if not... read it here]

My lovely wife, Becky, wrote a strongly worded comment calling me a "food hypocrite". It was tough love, but I'm a big enough man to take the criticism (and cry myself to sleep). Well, today Becky made spaghetti for dinner and as I ate it I could tell that something was different about the sauce. I asked if she put something additional into it; I described the taste as being a bit like onion and celery... and then iI remembered that Becky recently purchased some leeks! She thought that she could sneak it by me... BOO-YAH!

Oh, and I did eat the entire plate of leek drenched spaghetti without any complaining. (it wasn't bad, but i prefer without it).

Let's here it for the super-tasters!


Anonymous said...

Liar, liar, pants on fire!!

You did eat it, but you did pick it out and moderately complain.

I love how we are now hashing out our marital problems on your blog now!

I am going to continue to sneak food in...maybe on a daily basis. I will make it my mission, Mr. Superbuds!

Angela said...

i plan on sending over some cookies with hidden ingredients in some, and alex has to differentiate between them!!!

Anonymous said...

OK so on the Today Show (or whatever) that talked about super tasters there was a way to measure the number of tastebuds on one's tongue.

Just do the test Alex and settle this thing!

Anonymous said...

i think you need to change yoyr blog url to

alex said...

great idea robbie!