Monday, June 02, 2008

just doin my duty

I have jury duty tomorrow. I was able to get out of it several years ago because i was in grad school at the time (students are exempt). But there's no escaping it this time around and I can't help but have split feelings about serving tomorrow.

On the one hand, it's my civic duty and an opportunity to be a part of the judicial system of our country. I am interested in the legal system and I think that being a part of a jury would be a really interesting. As a Christian and former member of the university discipline process i am intrigued and challenged by the balance of justice and mercy. I would be proud to be a part of making a difference in our community.

On the other hand, i really don't want to drive into downtown detroit and sit in a jury lobby all day. no cell phone, no laptop, no pda, no portable video games; what do they think this is...1980? I don't want give up a full day just to sit around and be told "thanks, but you're not needed". Plus, i've got to get up at the crack 'o dawn (6:40... in the AM!)

I can guess that I won't be allowed to blog about the specifics of whatever happens, but maybe I'll be able be able to share something of the process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you son -- you'll be a great juror.