Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bunk in the Trunk: UPDATE!

I told you that I'd try to take pictures next time... and I did! I took these last week, but I just didn't have to time to post 'em.

Notice the striping pattern across the grain? This is Tiger Oak. Yeah, nothin' but the best for my boys!

These will become part of the headboards and footboards. They used to be 8ft planks 5 inches wide. A whole lotta cuttin.

These are the corner posts. 2 and 7/8th inches square. Sweet tools in the background.


Anonymous said...

Tiger Oak -- very cool!

Quillen said...

So, do you just stand in the back of the workshop with some goggles on and watch. Then occasionally get the guts to try and help, so you grab a corner of the wood as he feeds it through...then Wayne yells at you to keep your hands off and stand further back? :)

alex said...

yeah, pretty much. i also fetch his coffee and read him the paper while he works.