Sunday, August 30, 2009

July 7; Tainan

Dad was the main speaker for two sessions on Tuesday and Thursday morning. One of the main reasons I went along was to help speak during these times to break up the rhythm since it could get pretty rough to speak to 500 students in back-to-back hour long sessions. During the first session I lead a tournament of "rock-paper-scissors" that we adapted to "comet-planet-star" to fit the theme. It went really well considering the size of the group and the language/translation barrier. Many of the students spoke simple english phrases, and there were a few who spoke english quite well (those tended to be the older students), but most students only knew "hello" and "bye bye".

During the second session I shared the story of Evan's birth (keeping the c-section description intriguingly detailed, yet age appropriate). I talked about the wonder and blessing that they are in my life... it's not hard to share that:) At the end of the second session I led the worship team with "How great is our God". It was another challenge to lead the worship team because only the keyboard player understood a word I said, but fortunately they were a really talented group.

After the morning sessions we went with Pastor Matthew, his wife Mei Mei, and their daughter Cindy to Tainan. I love those guys. Pastor Matthew is a Taiwanese FM pastor who has a really warm and captivating presence. They were a ton of fun and gave us the VIP treatment everywhere we went. So the eight of us (Dad, Foster, Kelsey, Ben, Matthew, Mei Mei, Cindy, and I) drove in their church minivan to the urban city of Tainan. Tainan is one of the oldest modern cities settled by the Europeans when they "discovered" Taiwan. There were some fantastic historical sites we can across including:

These beautiful statue/shrine/attractions.
I had a hard time capturing the scale, but these are several stories tall.

We were going to go to the Taiwan history museum, but for some strange reason it was closed so we went to the Taiwan Poetry Museum. Here I am, listening to a reading of Taiwanese poetry.

And it was at the poetry museum that we met John Wayne. The story of John Wayne is too long to fit in blog format, but ask me about him sometime.

Dad and his new friend, John Wayne.

Tuesday, July 7th also happened to be a ridiculously hot day. I didn't remember the actual temperature, but I'm pretty sure it was 1 billion degrees. And Taiwan is also EXTREMELY humid, it may technically be underwater. So we walked up and down the streets of Tainan nearly melting when we found a sparkling oasis in the form of an Iced Mango drink. I never really liked mango, but this was the beginning of a new and beautiful relationship.

Waiting for iced mango drink.
(not pictured, face-melting heat)

As we explored the streets of Tainan we also came across many food stands featuring native Taiwanese cuisine.
As identified by my friend, Justice Hung-
from left: pig faces(pig ears),duck wins,
duck necks with heads, and the bottom are duck lungs.
the things right dish are pig skin.

And I nearly forgot! Near the end of the day we walked past one restaurant that was filming a commercial and Dad was lingering trying to see what they were doing. Well, the director turns around and they asked him to take a sip of the drink and smile for the camera. Seriously, watch for Glenn Teal starring in a Taiwanese wine commercial. It was so funny to watch the whole thing unfold. Another great day!

1 comment:

Quillen said...

Rock-paper-scissors, iced mango, and pig much better could it get! I'm disappointed you didn't spread the gospel of Soccer-Volley though :)