Monday, June 15, 2009

Bloggin bout Blogs

My good friend Robbie just sent me a link to Stuff Christians Like.

It's a fantastic blog which humorously explores the often ridiculous world of American Christian culture. As often is the case, there is alot of truth and insight in these entries as well. We should take our journey with Christ seriously, but in a way that is intentional and persevering, not in a way that prevents us from being able to laugh at ourselves.

I've only read a fraction of the entries, but here are a few of my favourites so far:

#17- Unspoken Prayer Requests
#71- Calling Things Postmodern
#93- Riding on the Cool Van in Youth Group
#560- Writing Twitter Messages that sound 14% Holier than you usually are (can also be applied to facebook status updates)


robbie said...

today is a good day. i get some name recognition on the tealblog and have been promoted to "good friend" status. Yes! Thanks, Alex! Long live the Concepts of Justice!

alex said...

you've always been a "good friend", except when you weren't.

check out #357