Wednesday, August 20, 2008

olympic highlights

My dad recently shared his "high" and "low" olympic moments (so far) on his blog. It's a pretty good list, but he left out Usain Bolt from the "Highs".

His total domination of the the 100 meter finals was incredible. Not only did he destroy his competition, but he totally humiliated anyone who has run 100 meters and tried hard. Then he follows it up by winning the 200 meter sprint in world record time also (if you weren't impressed, just read Michael Johnson's reaction to Bolt's race). [his live reaction is great too, but i can't find the video].

Yeah, he's a bit of a showboat and appears to be a bit full of himself prancing around the track; but you gotta hand it to him... he backed it up (unlike U.S. sprinter Wallace Spearmon who was dq'd for stepping out of his lane).

Phelps' feat is still amazing, but Usain gets my vote for top olympic moment. What's your fav. moment?

btw: i'm totally going on the "Bolt diet" of chicken nuggets and plenty of naps before a big event, it seems to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I published my list BEFORE the Lightening Bolt did his thing. I'll have to do an updated list once the Olympics end on Sunday