Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Worst Candidate Interview Ever?

Yes. It is.


robbie said...

wow. I wish they would have panned to her face while he was singing. you know someone had to be in her ear the whole time yelling at her to cut him off. It took her about 90 seconds before she finally did. Have you seen the interview with the guy from tennessee.

alex said...

You mean Basil

another classic, but I love how Chris Young just goes on... and on...

and then says "I hope you learned something"

Quillen said...

everything about this was awesome!
-Chris' hair.
-the fact that he read his answers from a notebook.
-the fact that he's been singing all his life, and no one told him to stop.
-his talent for song writing.
-the tape recorded music.
-how long they let him continue.
-Chris trying to book his band on the show for later this week/next week.
-the fact that he has a band.
-the host, who reminded me of someone doing a Cheri Oteri (SNL) playing a cheesy morning show host impersonation.
-I'm sure there's more...

alex said...

you nailed it quillen. every element to this video is hilarious. I wish they could have shown her face as she was serenaded