Monday, June 28, 2010

Fake YoYo Master

In case you didn't know, I am personally going through a big transition right now. I have begun a new career in Kalamazoo and we are between homes. I'm staying with the endlessly generous Cryderman family while my family is staying with her extended family. It's difficult and very busy so blogging has taken a back seat. But I don't want this space to wither up and die, so I am going to make a renewed effort to keep supplying you with the best 3 minutes of your day. I probably won't be posting much original material, but I'll try to keep a fresh roster of links going so you can engage in what I'm following around the web.

I just saw this today. It's a hilarious interview with a comedian who has tricked a TV station into believing he is a YoYo master. Very funny stuff.

1 comment:

Grandpa Steve said...

Good luck and prayers for success in this change.